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Appendix: Data Types and Operators

Data Types

Data Types describe the type of data inside a field. Different data types use different operators.

For example, fields of type “Text” frequently use the operator match to find a specific string of text; fields of type “Numeric” frequently use arithmetic operators like “greater than” or “equal to”.

In Lucidum, the data types are:

  • Boolean/Binary

  • Date/Time

  • List

  • Nested List

  • Numeric

  • Text


In a query, Operators define the relationship between fields and values.

Operators are dependent upon the data type.

For more information about queries, see the chapter on Building Queries.

The following sections describe the Operators associated with each data type.


Boolean fields contain either “yes” or “no”

Binary fields contain either “0” (zero) or “1” (one).

An example of a Boolean field is the field New Asset.

Boolean/Binary Operators

For Fields that contain yes/no values (Boolean) or 0/1 values (binary), the list of Operators includes:




Field value is True or 1

is not

Field value is False or 0


Field exists and has a value


Field does not exist, or field has no value


Date/Time fields contain a timestamp that include date and time.

An example of a date/time field is the field First Time Seen:

The results of this query include:

Notice that the columns First Time Seen and Last Time Seen display timestamps in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

Date/Time Operators

For Fields that contain date and time values, the list of Operators includes:



is equal to

Date matches the specified date

is greater than or equal to

Date matches the specified date or is a more recent

is greater than

Date is more recent than the specified date

is less than or equal to

Date matches or is earlier than the specified date

is less than

Date is earlier than the specified date

within past

Date is within the specified range

not within past

Date is not within the specified range


Field exists and has a value


Field does not exist, or field has no value


List fields include a list of comma-separated values. Each value has an index.

For example, the List field IP Address for a single asset could have the values:(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Each IP address has an index number. The first value in the list has the index value “0” (zero). The last value in the list has the index value “13” because there are 14 values in the list.

List Operators

For Fields that return a list (array), the list of Operators includes:




List includes one or more entries where all or part of the entry matches a specified string or regular expression. You can include multiple strings, separated with commas. The matches are not case sensitive. The query results include only list entries that match the string or regular expression.

not match

List includes one or more entries where all or part of the entry does not match a specified string or regular expression. You can include multiple strings, separated with commas. The matches are not case sensitive. The query results include only list entries that do not match the string or regular expression.

is equal to

List includes one or more entries that are an exact match to a specified string. You can include multiple strings, separated with commas. The matches are case sensitive. The query results include only list entries that are an exact match for the specified string.

is not equal to

List includes one or more entries that is not an exact match to specified string. You can include multiple strings, separated with commas. The matches are case sensitive. The query results include only list entries that are not an exact match for the specified string.

count is greater than

The number of list entries is greater than the specified number.

count is less than

The number of list entries is less than the specified number.

count is equal to

The number of list entries is equal to the specified number.


Field exists and has a value


Field does not exist, or field has no value

Nested List

A Nested List is a list that includes other lists. You can use nested to build tables/matrixes.

The number of elements in the nested lists is equal to the number of rows of the matrix.

The length of the lists inside the nested list is equal to the number of columns.

For example, the field Security Group Rules is a nest list field. The field contains a table of rules.

In the query, you must specify a column name, in this example Rule Type, to examine.

Nested List Operators

For fields that include nested lists, the list of Operators includes:



element matching all

List includes one or more entries where all or part of the entry matches all specified strings or regular expressions. You can include multiple strings, separated with commas. The matches are not case sensitive. The query results include only list entries that match all the strings or regular expressions.

element matching any

List includes one or more entries where all or part of the entry matches at least one of the specified strings or regular expressions. You can include multiple strings, separated with commas. The matches are not case sensitive. The query results include only list entries that match one or more strings or regular expressions.

no element matching all

List includes one or more entries that do not match all specified strings or regular expressions. You can include multiple strings, separated with commas. The matches are not case sensitive. The query results include only list entries that do not match all the strings or regular expressions.

no element matching any

List includes one or more entries that do not match at least one of the specified strings or regular expressions. You can include multiple strings, separated with commas. The matches are not case sensitive. The query results include only list entries that do not match one or more strings or regular expressions.

count is greater than

The number of list entries is greater than the specified number.

count is less than

The number of list entries is less than the specified number.

count is equal to

The number of list entries is equal to the specified number.


Field exists and has a value


Field does not exist, or field has no value

Numeric (integer and float)

Numeric fields contain numeric values. For example, the field Memory Size is a numeric field.

Numeric Operators (integer and float)

For Fields that contain numeric values, the list of Operators includes:



is equal to

Field value is equal to specified value

is greater than or equal to

Field value is equal to or greater than the specified value

is greater than

Field value is greater than the specified value

is less than or equal to

Field value is equal to or less than the specified value

is less than

Field value is less than the specified value


Field exists and has a value


Field does not exist, or field has no value


Text fields include strings of text. For example, the field Country Name is a text field.

Text Operators

For Fields that contain text values, the list of Operators includes:




All or part of the field matches a specified string or regular expression. The matches are not case sensitive. The query results include only fields that match the string or regular expression.

Not Match

All or part of the field matches a specified string or regular expression. The matches are not case sensitive. The query results include only fields that do not match the string or regular expression.

is equal to

The field is an exact match to the specified value.

is not equal to

The field is not an exact match to the specified value.


Field exists and has a value


Field does not exist, or field has no value

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